Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sacred and Scripture

           Starting to read the encyclopedia entry for “Scripture,” I started to think about sacred texts and feeling or understanding my religious beliefs...or what would be “sacred” for me. Until I became a religion major, I had not spent much time reading scripture, even for my own beliefs. I heard scripture in church but somehow that seems different to me. 
            The last six months or so, I have been visiting a place I find spiritual outside of church: My special place is the bench on the edge of the Wheaton soccer field, dedicated to three former Wheaton soccer players who have passed away over the last few years: friends. I chose this place specifically because it reminds me of my four years playing soccer at Wheaton. It allows me to not only reminisce on those times and positive memories, but this place serves as a sanctuary for me. This feels more sacred.
            During a hard semester last fall, I felt spiritually centered when I sat on my bench. Originally, I think, this came from the love I have for soccer. It gives me the most calm. Being calm, I have realized through my time on this bench and in more traditional sacred spaces, allows me to become spiritually connected. I struggle to connect with written words in particular, so maybe that is why it is easier for me to feel more spiritually connected to a place than to the Bible.

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