to Tariq Ramadan’s New York Times article, the Quar’an acts like a bridge
between an individual Muslim and the creator. It is the word of God. Through
the text, God is speaking to the individual and the individual’s values and individual
Islamic values. In Christianity, I feel like God is sending a message through
the Bible. This message is then supported by many examples, which reinforce the
message. These are meant to be deciphered by God’s followers, but have been
used for many different reasons.
the Qur’an is God speaking directly to all Muslims, it is accepted that the
readings can be interpreted and have meaning for an individual, just as
Christianity generally believes and some Jewish sects suppose. Additionally, when
Muslims interpret God’s message and the content of the Qua’ran, the
interpretations embody and engulf the ethics and the moral values of Islam as a
whole, which is similar to the Judeo-Christian tradition, as I understand it.

a “good” Christian or Muslim, a follower is expected to take the values God
gives—communicated through Scripture—and use them positively in his or her
Qua’ran, so far, sounds more concrete. The message seems less flexible,
stronger and MUST be followed than what I have learned of the Torah and Bible.
I do not yet know whether or not this is a product of my understanding of
people who are culturally associated with Muslim countries, as I am more
familiar with Judeo-Christian theologies and cultures. With this in mind, it
seems to me that as world views progress, interpretations of both the Bible and
the Torah are more flexible than those of the Qua’ran.
I disagree with your statement. I find the rules of the Bible to be much more concrete than the words of the Qur'an. To me, the bible is a set a rules on must follow. They are a way of life and not to be changed or tampered with. The Qur'an seems more like poetry to me. The words seem like a song and the tone seems more soothing. But perhaps, this is because I do not understand the full Arabic. The bible is not songs, it is clear stories and rules to follow.