Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Changing old ways

After watching a movie and delving deeper into gender in the bible, the idea of women in religion came up. What the whole class noticed was the lack of women in religious rituals and practices. Growing up Catholic, I have only seen male priests, bishops and reverends. And I have only seen women in the choir and as Sunday school teachers. I have never really thought about this growing up or even now as a young adult.
            During class time we discussed the lack of women it religion and how some women are actively pushing for change in the religion. The majority of the class agrees that there needs to be more of presence of women in religion, however I beg to differ.
            I think it is wrong to change the principals of a religion that has been thought the very same way for years and years. By changing the religion to include more women changes the way our ancestors practiced and believed. We have not been on the planet very long, and we are trying to change an ancient art.

            Instead of looking at the negatives of the religion we should all take a step back and be thankful for what God had blessed us with.

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