Saturday, May 13, 2017

Freedom and the Bible

I have recently been thinking about the idea of freedom and how it applies to the bible. It seems to me that the freedom God is supposed to give is not as open ended as it seems. Freedom is the right to do what you want when you want withing the bounds of common sense and basic human rights, like the right to life. In many places in the Hebrew Bible it seems like God is giving the Jews freedom but to me it seems more like God is giving the Jews conditional freedom, rather than unconditional freedom.

One of the biggest examples of this is when God frees the Jews from Egypt. At first glance it seems like God is freeing the Jews entirely and without reserve. But when you look closer you find that everything is not quite as it seems. Firstly, God waits a very long time before actually freeing the Jews. It is quite obvious, from what He has done in the past, such as destroying Sodom, and causing the great flood, that He could have just waved his hand and with very little effort, freed the Jews much sooner than He did. It seems like He waited so that the Jews would be in enough despair that they would do what he asked without questioning it at all. After He gets them out of Egypt he then starts to lay down laws that everyone has to follow. While the ten commandments do seem like just a restatement of basic human rights, the laws he puts forth after that are all about exactly how one should live. These laws effectively control the Jewish people and seems just like another form of slavery.

I do not know if this is right but with everything that is happening in the government these days it bears to keep this in mind.

1 comment:

  1. I think this post is really good. As well I think that this is showing how the bible has rules but overall you have the freedom to choose what you want to take on and really go by it as in that you are gonna follow this example to the tee or you also have the freedom to read it and say you know what I do not like this and I do not want to really follow this and do not want to live by this. The bible gives us as people the freedom to do and pick what we want.


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