Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Relgion in Sports

So for me as an athlete I have been fortunate enough to meet many different people from across the world who are very religious. And  this post is more about how sports and religion are connected. So with that being said I will give an example on how it is so important with one another.

Overall the people that I will be talking about I will leave their names out and I will just say them or him or her. So before soccer games a friend of mine who is from Brazil, would always take his cross out and do a prayer before warmups, it was his way of saying to god help me and protect me. Now when I asked him why he was doing such a thing, his answer was because he as a kid only was told that god and soccer was important coming and growing up from Brazil. So to him all he knew was soccer and god. And whenever for an example he did not do a prayer or did not read the bible before the games, he thought he played bad because of it. And that right there is how important to some athletes religion is to them. It is so important to a lot of athletes that they pray before soccer games, football games, or any sport. I think each sport some sports are more religious than others and for sure soccer is up there.


  1. I could not agree more. Being an avid equestrian, I too am aware of the power of religion in sports. Before every ride, I make sure to say a prayer to God and to my beloved horse for granting me a ride. After every ride no matter if I win or lose I thank God for keeping me and my horse safe. Without the power of God, I am unable to ride safely. All the glory to God.

  2. I completely agree. Throughout high school,I was part of the bowling team, and as subtle as it was it had its own rituals and practices behind it. Some of my teammates would make the cross across their chest whenever they were picking up a spare, or successfully made a strike. As sad as it is for me to say, we even "tebowed" just to keep spirits up during matches. In other words, we were this close community with its own religiosity to it. Sports and religion in my eyes are closely nit together


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