Thursday, May 25, 2017

What is Scripture

Image result for scriptureAt the beginning of class, if we were to answer the question; what is scripture? The answer that most likely would be given is that scripture is the written text of a given religion. By all means, this is a good answer and for the most part is accurate. However, as the course of the class unraveled we quickly uncovered that scripture does not necessarily pertain that of religious text, but instead is what we actually scripturalize. This is to say,  we can actually give something in our own lives great meaning, and in doing so that something can begin to transcend its initial meaning. It possess great depth and meaning for you, or perhaps a given community that you are a part of, but to other is may be insignificant. Therefore, it becomes its own form of scripture. In so far as, this means anything can become scripture.
With that said, I have recently been playing a video game that has had a lot of value in my life for the last decade. Shun me if you will, but I am an avid Call of Duty player. However, something that has exploded within this series is what is known as Call of Duty Zombies. It is a survival wave based mode where you fend off the endless waves of the undead. It seems mindless and dull, but over time the developers of the game created its own universe and story associated with the game mode and as a result a massive community blossomed from it. Over the years, we have been given new maps, new easter eggs to complete, and comics to read that have slowly given us more lore to this universe, but there has always been this provocative mystery around it as well. The developers have purposefully sprinkled ambiguity into the story in a way that has caused the community to interpret and challenge everything we are given. It in some ways has become its own religious community in some ways.
I'm discussing this because over the last month we received 8 HD remasters of zombie maps. With these maps, the developers released a physical timeline to the story that we have never had before. Up until this point, we have been interpreting and piecing together pieces here and there, but it was never defined. Its truly amazing seeing this for the first time. With that said, to the naked eye the timeline looks like swirls of information that do not piece together a clear story. However, to me and the zombies community it makes perfect sense. It has simultaneously answered hundreds of questions we have had but also raises more, causing a further re-invigoration of our passion for this game. We have our own scripture, and its tangible now which to me is quite odd to say I'm a part of. However, this is incredible to because it really points ot the idea that scripture can be anything.

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